/* * Prolog for created Ajax4Jsf library */ if (!window.A4J) { window.A4J= {};} //if(window.A4J.AJAX && window.A4J.AJAX.XMLHttpRequest) return; /* * ==================================================================== * About Sarissa: http://dev.abiss.gr/sarissa * ==================================================================== * Sarissa is an ECMAScript library acting as a cross-browser wrapper for native XML APIs. * The library supports Gecko based browsers like Mozilla and Firefox, * Internet Explorer (5.5+ with MSXML3.0+), Konqueror, Safari and Opera * @author: Copyright 2004-2007 Emmanouil Batsis, mailto: mbatsis at users full stop sourceforge full stop net * ==================================================================== * Licence * ==================================================================== * Sarissa is free software distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 (see gpl.txt) or higher, * GNU LGPL version 2.1 (see lgpl.txt) or higher and Apache Software License 2.0 or higher * (see asl.txt). This means you can choose one of the three and use that if you like. If * you make modifications under the ASL, i would appreciate it if you submitted those. * In case your copy of Sarissa does not include the license texts, you may find * them online in various formats at http://www.gnu.org and * http://www.apache.org. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /** *

Sarissa is a utility class. Provides "static" methods for DOMDocument, * DOM Node serialization to XML strings and other utility goodies.

* @constructor * @static */ function Sarissa(){} Sarissa.VERSION = ""; Sarissa.PARSED_OK = "Document contains no parsing errors"; Sarissa.PARSED_EMPTY = "Document is empty"; Sarissa.PARSED_UNKNOWN_ERROR = "Not well-formed or other error"; Sarissa.IS_ENABLED_TRANSFORM_NODE = false; Sarissa.REMOTE_CALL_FLAG = "gr.abiss.sarissa.REMOTE_CALL_FLAG"; /** @private */ Sarissa._sarissa_iNsCounter = 0; /** @private */ Sarissa._SARISSA_IEPREFIX4XSLPARAM = ""; /** @private */ Sarissa._SARISSA_HAS_DOM_IMPLEMENTATION = document.implementation && true; /** @private */ Sarissa._SARISSA_HAS_DOM_CREATE_DOCUMENT = Sarissa._SARISSA_HAS_DOM_IMPLEMENTATION && document.implementation.createDocument; /** @private */ Sarissa._SARISSA_HAS_DOM_FEATURE = Sarissa._SARISSA_HAS_DOM_IMPLEMENTATION && document.implementation.hasFeature; /** @private */ Sarissa._SARISSA_IS_MOZ = Sarissa._SARISSA_HAS_DOM_CREATE_DOCUMENT && Sarissa._SARISSA_HAS_DOM_FEATURE; /** @private */ Sarissa._SARISSA_IS_SAFARI = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("safari") != -1 || navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("konqueror") != -1; /** @private */ Sarissa._SARISSA_IS_SAFARI_OLD = Sarissa._SARISSA_IS_SAFARI && (parseInt((navigator.userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit\/(\d+)/)||{})[1], 10) < 420); /** @private */ Sarissa._SARISSA_IS_IE = document.all && window.ActiveXObject && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") > -1 && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") == -1; /** @private */ Sarissa._SARISSA_IS_OPERA = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") != -1; if(!window.Node || !Node.ELEMENT_NODE){ Node = {ELEMENT_NODE: 1, ATTRIBUTE_NODE: 2, TEXT_NODE: 3, CDATA_SECTION_NODE: 4, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: 5, ENTITY_NODE: 6, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: 7, COMMENT_NODE: 8, DOCUMENT_NODE: 9, DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: 10, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: 11, NOTATION_NODE: 12}; } //This breaks for(x in o) loops in the old Safari if(Sarissa._SARISSA_IS_SAFARI_OLD){ HTMLHtmlElement = document.createElement("html").constructor; Node = HTMLElement = {}; HTMLElement.prototype = HTMLHtmlElement.__proto__.__proto__; HTMLDocument = Document = document.constructor; var x = new DOMParser(); XMLDocument = x.constructor; Element = x.parseFromString("", "text/xml").documentElement.constructor; x = null; } if(typeof XMLDocument == "undefined" && typeof Document !="undefined"){ XMLDocument = Document; } // IE initialization if(Sarissa._SARISSA_IS_IE){ // for XSLT parameter names, prefix needed by IE Sarissa._SARISSA_IEPREFIX4XSLPARAM = "xsl:"; // used to store the most recent ProgID available out of the above var _SARISSA_DOM_PROGID = ""; var _SARISSA_XMLHTTP_PROGID = ""; var _SARISSA_DOM_XMLWRITER = ""; /** * Called when the sarissa.js file is parsed, to pick most recent * ProgIDs for IE, then gets destroyed. * @memberOf Sarissa * @private * @param idList an array of MSXML PROGIDs from which the most recent will be picked for a given object * @param enabledList an array of arrays where each array has two items; the index of the PROGID for which a certain feature is enabled */ Sarissa.pickRecentProgID = function (idList){ // found progID flag var bFound = false, e; var o2Store; for(var i=0; i < idList.length && !bFound; i++){ try{ var oDoc = new ActiveXObject(idList[i]); o2Store = idList[i]; bFound = true; }catch (objException){ // trap; try next progID e = objException; } } if (!bFound) { throw "Could not retrieve a valid progID of Class: " + idList[idList.length-1]+". (original exception: "+e+")"; } idList = null; return o2Store; }; // pick best available MSXML progIDs _SARISSA_DOM_PROGID = null; _SARISSA_THREADEDDOM_PROGID = null; _SARISSA_XSLTEMPLATE_PROGID = null; _SARISSA_XMLHTTP_PROGID = null; // commenting the condition out; we need to redefine XMLHttpRequest // anyway as IE7 hardcodes it to MSXML3.0 causing version problems // between different activex controls //if(!window.XMLHttpRequest){ /** * Emulate XMLHttpRequest * @constructor */ XMLHttpRequest = function() { if(!_SARISSA_XMLHTTP_PROGID){ _SARISSA_XMLHTTP_PROGID = Sarissa.pickRecentProgID(["Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP"]); } return new ActiveXObject(_SARISSA_XMLHTTP_PROGID); }; //} // we dont need this anymore //============================================ // Factory methods (IE) //============================================ // see non-IE version Sarissa.getDomDocument = function(sUri, sName){ if(!_SARISSA_DOM_PROGID){ _SARISSA_DOM_PROGID = Sarissa.pickRecentProgID(["Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0", "Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0", "MSXML2.DOMDocument", "MSXML.DOMDocument", "Microsoft.XMLDOM"]); } var oDoc = new ActiveXObject(_SARISSA_DOM_PROGID); // if a root tag name was provided, we need to load it in the DOM object if (sName){ // create an artifical namespace prefix // or reuse existing prefix if applicable var prefix = ""; if(sUri){ if(sName.indexOf(":") > 1){ prefix = sName.substring(0, sName.indexOf(":")); sName = sName.substring(sName.indexOf(":")+1); }else{ prefix = "a" + (Sarissa._sarissa_iNsCounter++); } } // use namespaces if a namespace URI exists if(sUri){ oDoc.loadXML('<' + prefix+':'+sName + " xmlns:" + prefix + "=\"" + sUri + "\"" + " />"); } else { oDoc.loadXML('<' + sName + " />"); } } return oDoc; }; // see non-IE version Sarissa.getParseErrorText = function (oDoc) { var parseErrorText = Sarissa.PARSED_OK; if(oDoc && oDoc.parseError && oDoc.parseError.errorCode && oDoc.parseError.errorCode != 0){ parseErrorText = "XML Parsing Error: " + oDoc.parseError.reason + "\nLocation: " + oDoc.parseError.url + "\nLine Number " + oDoc.parseError.line + ", Column " + oDoc.parseError.linepos + ":\n" + oDoc.parseError.srcText + "\n"; for(var i = 0; i < oDoc.parseError.linepos;i++){ parseErrorText += "-"; } parseErrorText += "^\n"; } else if(oDoc.documentElement === null){ parseErrorText = Sarissa.PARSED_EMPTY; } return parseErrorText; }; // see non-IE version Sarissa.setXpathNamespaces = function(oDoc, sNsSet) { oDoc.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath"); oDoc.setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", sNsSet); }; /** * A class that reuses the same XSLT stylesheet for multiple transforms. * @constructor */ XSLTProcessor = function(){ if(!_SARISSA_XSLTEMPLATE_PROGID){ _SARISSA_XSLTEMPLATE_PROGID = Sarissa.pickRecentProgID(["Msxml2.XSLTemplate.6.0", "MSXML2.XSLTemplate.3.0"]); } this.template = new ActiveXObject(_SARISSA_XSLTEMPLATE_PROGID); this.processor = null; }; /** * Imports the given XSLT DOM and compiles it to a reusable transform * Note: If the stylesheet was loaded from a URL and contains xsl:import or xsl:include elements,it will be reloaded to resolve those * @argument xslDoc The XSLT DOMDocument to import */ XSLTProcessor.prototype.importStylesheet = function(xslDoc){ if(!_SARISSA_THREADEDDOM_PROGID){ _SARISSA_THREADEDDOM_PROGID = Sarissa.pickRecentProgID(["MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.6.0", "MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.3.0"]); } xslDoc.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath"); xslDoc.setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:xsl='http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform'"); // convert stylesheet to free threaded var converted = new ActiveXObject(_SARISSA_THREADEDDOM_PROGID); // make included/imported stylesheets work if exist and xsl was originally loaded from url try{ converted.resolveExternals = true; converted.setProperty("AllowDocumentFunction", true); } catch(e){ // Ignore. "AllowDocumentFunction" is only supported in MSXML 3.0 SP4 and later. } if(xslDoc.url && xslDoc.selectSingleNode("//xsl:*[local-name() = 'import' or local-name() = 'include']") != null){ converted.async = false; converted.load(xslDoc.url); } else { converted.loadXML(xslDoc.xml); } converted.setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:xsl='http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform'"); var output = converted.selectSingleNode("//xsl:output"); //this.outputMethod = output ? output.getAttribute("method") : "html"; if(output) { this.outputMethod = output.getAttribute("method"); } else { delete this.outputMethod; } this.template.stylesheet = converted; this.processor = this.template.createProcessor(); // for getParameter and clearParameters this.paramsSet = []; }; /** * Transform the given XML DOM and return the transformation result as a new DOM document * @argument sourceDoc The XML DOMDocument to transform * @return The transformation result as a DOM Document */ XSLTProcessor.prototype.transformToDocument = function(sourceDoc){ // fix for bug 1549749 var outDoc; if(_SARISSA_THREADEDDOM_PROGID){ this.processor.input=sourceDoc; outDoc=new ActiveXObject(_SARISSA_DOM_PROGID); this.processor.output=outDoc; this.processor.transform(); return outDoc; } else{ if(!_SARISSA_DOM_XMLWRITER){ _SARISSA_DOM_XMLWRITER = Sarissa.pickRecentProgID(["Msxml2.MXXMLWriter.6.0", "Msxml2.MXXMLWriter.3.0", "MSXML2.MXXMLWriter", "MSXML.MXXMLWriter", "Microsoft.XMLDOM"]); } this.processor.input = sourceDoc; outDoc = new ActiveXObject(_SARISSA_DOM_XMLWRITER); this.processor.output = outDoc; this.processor.transform(); var oDoc = new ActiveXObject(_SARISSA_DOM_PROGID); oDoc.loadXML(outDoc.output+""); return oDoc; } }; /** * Transform the given XML DOM and return the transformation result as a new DOM fragment. * Note: The xsl:output method must match the nature of the owner document (XML/HTML). * @argument sourceDoc The XML DOMDocument to transform * @argument ownerDoc The owner of the result fragment * @return The transformation result as a DOM Document */ XSLTProcessor.prototype.transformToFragment = function (sourceDoc, ownerDoc) { this.processor.input = sourceDoc; this.processor.transform(); var s = this.processor.output; var f = ownerDoc.createDocumentFragment(); var container; if (this.outputMethod == 'text') { f.appendChild(ownerDoc.createTextNode(s)); } else if (ownerDoc.body && ownerDoc.body.innerHTML) { container = ownerDoc.createElement('div'); container.innerHTML = s; while (container.hasChildNodes()) { f.appendChild(container.firstChild); } } else { var oDoc = new ActiveXObject(_SARISSA_DOM_PROGID); if (s.substring(0, 5) == '') + 2); } var xml = ''.concat('', s, ''); oDoc.loadXML(xml); container = oDoc.documentElement; while (container.hasChildNodes()) { f.appendChild(container.firstChild); } } return f; }; /** * Set global XSLT parameter of the imported stylesheet * @argument nsURI The parameter namespace URI * @argument name The parameter base name * @argument value The new parameter value */ XSLTProcessor.prototype.setParameter = function(nsURI, name, value){ // make value a zero length string if null to allow clearing value = value ? value : ""; // nsURI is optional but cannot be null if(nsURI){ this.processor.addParameter(name, value, nsURI); }else{ this.processor.addParameter(name, value); } // update updated params for getParameter nsURI = "" + (nsURI || ""); if(!this.paramsSet[nsURI]){ this.paramsSet[nsURI] = []; } this.paramsSet[nsURI][name] = value; }; /** * Gets a parameter if previously set by setParameter. Returns null * otherwise * @argument name The parameter base name * @argument value The new parameter value * @return The parameter value if reviously set by setParameter, null otherwise */ XSLTProcessor.prototype.getParameter = function(nsURI, name){ nsURI = "" + (nsURI || ""); if(this.paramsSet[nsURI] && this.paramsSet[nsURI][name]){ return this.paramsSet[nsURI][name]; }else{ return null; } }; /** * Clear parameters (set them to default values as defined in the stylesheet itself) */ XSLTProcessor.prototype.clearParameters = function(){ for(var nsURI in this.paramsSet){ for(var name in this.paramsSet[nsURI]){ if(nsURI!=""){ this.processor.addParameter(name, "", nsURI); }else{ this.processor.addParameter(name, ""); } } } this.paramsSet = []; }; }else{ /* end IE initialization, try to deal with real browsers now ;-) */ if(Sarissa._SARISSA_HAS_DOM_CREATE_DOCUMENT){ /** *

Ensures the document was loaded correctly, otherwise sets the * parseError to -1 to indicate something went wrong. Internal use

* @private */ Sarissa.__handleLoad__ = function(oDoc){ Sarissa.__setReadyState__(oDoc, 4); }; /** *

Attached by an event handler to the load event. Internal use.

* @private */ _sarissa_XMLDocument_onload = function(){ Sarissa.__handleLoad__(this); }; /** *

Sets the readyState property of the given DOM Document object. * Internal use.

* @memberOf Sarissa * @private * @argument oDoc the DOM Document object to fire the * readystatechange event * @argument iReadyState the number to change the readystate property to */ Sarissa.__setReadyState__ = function(oDoc, iReadyState){ oDoc.readyState = iReadyState; oDoc.readystate = iReadyState; if (oDoc.onreadystatechange != null && typeof oDoc.onreadystatechange == "function") { oDoc.onreadystatechange(); } }; Sarissa.getDomDocument = function(sUri, sName){ var oDoc = document.implementation.createDocument(sUri?sUri:null, sName?sName:null, null); if(!oDoc.onreadystatechange){ /** *

Emulate IE's onreadystatechange attribute

*/ oDoc.onreadystatechange = null; } if(!oDoc.readyState){ /** *

Emulates IE's readyState property, which always gives an integer from 0 to 4:

* */ oDoc.readyState = 0; } oDoc.addEventListener("load", _sarissa_XMLDocument_onload, false); return oDoc; }; if(window.XMLDocument){ // do nothing }// TODO: check if the new document has content before trying to copynodes, check for error handling in DOM 3 LS else if(Sarissa._SARISSA_HAS_DOM_FEATURE && window.Document && !Document.prototype.load && document.implementation.hasFeature('LS', '3.0')){ //Opera 9 may get the XPath branch which gives creates XMLDocument, therefore it doesn't reach here which is good /** *

Factory method to obtain a new DOM Document object

* @memberOf Sarissa * @argument sUri the namespace of the root node (if any) * @argument sUri the local name of the root node (if any) * @returns a new DOM Document */ Sarissa.getDomDocument = function(sUri, sName){ var oDoc = document.implementation.createDocument(sUri?sUri:null, sName?sName:null, null); return oDoc; }; } else { Sarissa.getDomDocument = function(sUri, sName){ var oDoc = document.implementation.createDocument(sUri?sUri:null, sName?sName:null, null); // looks like safari does not create the root element for some unknown reason if(oDoc && (sUri || sName) && !oDoc.documentElement){ oDoc.appendChild(oDoc.createElementNS(sUri, sName)); } return oDoc; }; } }//if(Sarissa._SARISSA_HAS_DOM_CREATE_DOCUMENT) } //========================================== // Common stuff //========================================== if(!window.DOMParser){ if(Sarissa._SARISSA_IS_SAFARI){ /* * DOMParser is a utility class, used to construct DOMDocuments from XML strings * @constructor */ DOMParser = function() { }; /** * Construct a new DOM Document from the given XMLstring * @param sXml the given XML string * @param contentType the content type of the document the given string represents (one of text/xml, application/xml, application/xhtml+xml). * @return a new DOM Document from the given XML string */ DOMParser.prototype.parseFromString = function(sXml, contentType){ var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.open("GET", "data:text/xml;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(sXml), false); xmlhttp.send(null); return xmlhttp.responseXML; }; }else if(Sarissa.getDomDocument && Sarissa.getDomDocument() && Sarissa.getDomDocument(null, "bar").xml){ DOMParser = function() { }; DOMParser.prototype.parseFromString = function(sXml, contentType){ var doc = Sarissa.getDomDocument(); doc.loadXML(sXml); return doc; }; } } if((typeof(document.importNode) == "undefined") && Sarissa._SARISSA_IS_IE){ try{ /** * Implementation of importNode for the context window document in IE. * If oNode is a TextNode, bChildren is ignored. * @param oNode the Node to import * @param bChildren whether to include the children of oNode * @returns the imported node for further use */ document.importNode = function(oNode, bChildren){ var tmp; if (oNode.nodeName=='#text') { return document.createTextNode(oNode.data); } else { var tbody = false; if(oNode.nodeName == "tbody" && oNode.parentNode){ oNode = oNode.parentNode; tbody = true; } else if(oNode.nodeName == "tbody" || oNode.nodeName == "tr"){ tmp = document.createElement("tr"); } else if(oNode.nodeName == "td"){ tmp = document.createElement("tr"); } else if(oNode.nodeName == "option"){ tmp = document.createElement("select"); } if(!tmp){ tmp = document.createElement("div"); } if(bChildren){ tmp.innerHTML = oNode.xml ? oNode.xml : oNode.outerHTML; }else{ tmp.innerHTML = oNode.xml ? oNode.cloneNode(false).xml : oNode.cloneNode(false).outerHTML; } if (tbody) { return tmp.firstChild.tBodies[0]; } else { return tmp.getElementsByTagName("*")[0]; } } }; }catch(e){ } } if(!Sarissa.getParseErrorText){ /** *

Returns a human readable description of the parsing error. Usefull * for debugging. Tip: append the returned error string in a <pre> * element if you want to render it.


Many thanks to Christian Stocker for the initial patch.

* @memberOf Sarissa * @argument oDoc The target DOM document * @returns The parsing error description of the target Document in * human readable form (preformated text) */ Sarissa.getParseErrorText = function (oDoc){ var parseErrorText = Sarissa.PARSED_OK; if(!oDoc.documentElement){ parseErrorText = Sarissa.PARSED_EMPTY; } else if(oDoc.documentElement.tagName == "parsererror"){ parseErrorText = oDoc.documentElement.firstChild.data; parseErrorText += "\n" + oDoc.documentElement.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.data; } else if(oDoc.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length > 0){ var parsererror = oDoc.getElementsByTagName("parsererror")[0]; parseErrorText = Sarissa.getText(parsererror, true)+"\n"; } else if(oDoc.parseError && oDoc.parseError.errorCode != 0){ parseErrorText = Sarissa.PARSED_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } return parseErrorText; }; } /** * Get a string with the concatenated values of all string nodes under the given node * @memberOf Sarissa * @argument oNode the given DOM node * @argument deep whether to recursively scan the children nodes of the given node for text as well. Default is false */ Sarissa.getText = function(oNode, deep){ var s = ""; var nodes = oNode.childNodes; for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++){ var node = nodes[i]; var nodeType = node.nodeType; if(nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE || nodeType == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE){ s += node.data; } else if(deep === true && (nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE || nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE || nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE)){ s += Sarissa.getText(node, true); } } return s; }; if(!window.XMLSerializer && Sarissa.getDomDocument && Sarissa.getDomDocument("","foo", null).xml){ /** * Utility class to serialize DOM Node objects to XML strings * @constructor */ XMLSerializer = function(){}; /** * Serialize the given DOM Node to an XML string * @param oNode the DOM Node to serialize */ XMLSerializer.prototype.serializeToString = function(oNode) { return oNode.xml; }; } /** * Strips tags from the given markup string. If the given string is * undefined, null or empty, it is returned as is. * @memberOf Sarissa */ Sarissa.stripTags = function (s) { return s?s.replace(/<[^>]+>/g,""):s; }; /** *

Deletes all child nodes of the given node

* @memberOf Sarissa * @argument oNode the Node to empty */ Sarissa.clearChildNodes = function(oNode) { // need to check for firstChild due to opera 8 bug with hasChildNodes while(oNode.firstChild) { oNode.removeChild(oNode.firstChild); } }; /** *

Copies the childNodes of nodeFrom to nodeTo


Note: The second object's original content is deleted before * the copy operation, unless you supply a true third parameter

* @memberOf Sarissa * @argument nodeFrom the Node to copy the childNodes from * @argument nodeTo the Node to copy the childNodes to * @argument bPreserveExisting whether to preserve the original content of nodeTo, default is false */ Sarissa.copyChildNodes = function(nodeFrom, nodeTo, bPreserveExisting) { if(Sarissa._SARISSA_IS_SAFARI && nodeTo.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE){ // SAFARI_OLD ?? nodeTo = nodeTo.documentElement; //Apparently there's a bug in safari where you can't appendChild to a document node } if((!nodeFrom) || (!nodeTo)){ throw "Both source and destination nodes must be provided"; } if(!bPreserveExisting){ Sarissa.clearChildNodes(nodeTo); } var ownerDoc = nodeTo.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE ? nodeTo : nodeTo.ownerDocument; var nodes = nodeFrom.childNodes; var i; if(typeof(ownerDoc.importNode) != "undefined") { for(i=0;i < nodes.length;i++) { nodeTo.appendChild(ownerDoc.importNode(nodes[i], true)); } } else { for(i=0;i < nodes.length;i++) { nodeTo.appendChild(nodes[i].cloneNode(true)); } } }; /** *

Moves the childNodes of nodeFrom to nodeTo


Note: The second object's original content is deleted before * the move operation, unless you supply a true third parameter

* @memberOf Sarissa * @argument nodeFrom the Node to copy the childNodes from * @argument nodeTo the Node to copy the childNodes to * @argument bPreserveExisting whether to preserve the original content of nodeTo, default is */ Sarissa.moveChildNodes = function(nodeFrom, nodeTo, bPreserveExisting) { if((!nodeFrom) || (!nodeTo)){ throw "Both source and destination nodes must be provided"; } if(!bPreserveExisting){ Sarissa.clearChildNodes(nodeTo); } var nodes = nodeFrom.childNodes; // if within the same doc, just move, else copy and delete if(nodeFrom.ownerDocument == nodeTo.ownerDocument){ while(nodeFrom.firstChild){ nodeTo.appendChild(nodeFrom.firstChild); } } else { var ownerDoc = nodeTo.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE ? nodeTo : nodeTo.ownerDocument; var i; if(typeof(ownerDoc.importNode) != "undefined") { for(i=0;i < nodes.length;i++) { nodeTo.appendChild(ownerDoc.importNode(nodes[i], true)); } }else{ for(i=0;i < nodes.length;i++) { nodeTo.appendChild(nodes[i].cloneNode(true)); } } Sarissa.clearChildNodes(nodeFrom); } }; /** *

Serialize any non DOM object to an XML string. All properties are serialized using the property name * as the XML element name. Array elements are rendered as array-item elements, * using their index/key as the value of the key attribute.

* @memberOf Sarissa * @argument anyObject the object to serialize * @argument objectName a name for that object * @return the XML serialization of the given object as a string */ Sarissa.xmlize = function(anyObject, objectName, indentSpace){ indentSpace = indentSpace?indentSpace:''; var s = indentSpace + '<' + objectName + '>'; var isLeaf = false; if(!(anyObject instanceof Object) || anyObject instanceof Number || anyObject instanceof String || anyObject instanceof Boolean || anyObject instanceof Date){ s += Sarissa.escape(""+anyObject); isLeaf = true; }else{ s += "\n"; var isArrayItem = anyObject instanceof Array; for(var name in anyObject){ s += Sarissa.xmlize(anyObject[name], (isArrayItem?"array-item key=\""+name+"\"":name), indentSpace + " "); } s += indentSpace; } return (s += (objectName.indexOf(' ')!=-1?"\n":"\n")); }; /** * Escape the given string chacters that correspond to the five predefined XML entities * @memberOf Sarissa * @param sXml the string to escape */ Sarissa.escape = function(sXml){ return sXml.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "'"); }; /** * Unescape the given string. This turns the occurences of the predefined XML * entities to become the characters they represent correspond to the five predefined XML entities * @memberOf Sarissa * @param sXml the string to unescape */ Sarissa.unescape = function(sXml){ return sXml.replace(/'/g,"'").replace(/"/g,"\"").replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<").replace(/&/g,"&"); }; /** @private */ Sarissa.updateCursor = function(oTargetElement, sValue) { if(oTargetElement && oTargetElement.style && oTargetElement.style.cursor != undefined ){ oTargetElement.style.cursor = sValue; } }; /** * Asynchronously update an element with response of a GET request on the given URL. Passing a configured XSLT * processor will result in transforming and updating oNode before using it to update oTargetElement. * You can also pass a callback function to be executed when the update is finished. The function will be called as * functionName(oNode, oTargetElement); * @memberOf Sarissa * @param sFromUrl the URL to make the request to * @param oTargetElement the element to update * @param xsltproc (optional) the transformer to use on the returned * content before updating the target element with it * @param callback (optional) a Function object to execute once the update is finished successfuly, called as callback(sFromUrl, oTargetElement). * In case an exception is thrown during execution, the callback is called as called as callback(sFromUrl, oTargetElement, oException) * @param skipCache (optional) whether to skip any cache */ Sarissa.updateContentFromURI = function(sFromUrl, oTargetElement, xsltproc, callback, skipCache) { try{ Sarissa.updateCursor(oTargetElement, "wait"); var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.open("GET", sFromUrl, true); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) { try{ var oDomDoc = xmlhttp.responseXML; if(oDomDoc && Sarissa.getParseErrorText(oDomDoc) == Sarissa.PARSED_OK){ Sarissa.updateContentFromNode(xmlhttp.responseXML, oTargetElement, xsltproc); callback(sFromUrl, oTargetElement); } else{ throw Sarissa.getParseErrorText(oDomDoc); } } catch(e){ if(callback){ callback(sFromUrl, oTargetElement, e); } else{ throw e; } } } }; if (skipCache) { var oldage = "Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT"; xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", oldage); } xmlhttp.send(""); } catch(e){ Sarissa.updateCursor(oTargetElement, "auto"); if(callback){ callback(sFromUrl, oTargetElement, e); } else{ throw e; } } }; /** * Update an element's content with the given DOM node. Passing a configured XSLT * processor will result in transforming and updating oNode before using it to update oTargetElement. * You can also pass a callback function to be executed when the update is finished. The function will be called as * functionName(oNode, oTargetElement); * @memberOf Sarissa * @param oNode the URL to make the request to * @param oTargetElement the element to update * @param xsltproc (optional) the transformer to use on the given * DOM node before updating the target element with it */ Sarissa.updateContentFromNode = function(oNode, oTargetElement, xsltproc) { try { Sarissa.updateCursor(oTargetElement, "wait"); Sarissa.clearChildNodes(oTargetElement); // check for parsing errors var ownerDoc = oNode.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE?oNode:oNode.ownerDocument; if(ownerDoc.parseError && ownerDoc.parseError.errorCode != 0) { var pre = document.createElement("pre"); pre.appendChild(document.createTextNode(Sarissa.getParseErrorText(ownerDoc))); oTargetElement.appendChild(pre); } else { // transform if appropriate if(xsltproc) { oNode = xsltproc.transformToDocument(oNode); } // be smart, maybe the user wants to display the source instead if(oTargetElement.tagName.toLowerCase() == "textarea" || oTargetElement.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input") { oTargetElement.value = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(oNode); } else { // ok that was not smart; it was paranoid. Keep up the good work by trying to use DOM instead of innerHTML if(oNode.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE || oNode.ownerDocument.documentElement == oNode) { oTargetElement.innerHTML = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(oNode); } else{ oTargetElement.appendChild(oTargetElement.ownerDocument.importNode(oNode, true)); } } } } catch(e) { throw e; } finally{ Sarissa.updateCursor(oTargetElement, "auto"); } }; /** * Creates an HTTP URL query string from the given HTML form data * @memberOf Sarissa */ Sarissa.formToQueryString = function(oForm){ var qs = ""; for(var i = 0;i < oForm.elements.length;i++) { var oField = oForm.elements[i]; var sFieldName = oField.getAttribute("name") ? oField.getAttribute("name") : oField.getAttribute("id"); // ensure we got a proper name/id and that the field is not disabled if(sFieldName && ((!oField.disabled) || oField.type == "hidden")) { switch(oField.type) { case "hidden": case "text": case "textarea": case "password": qs += sFieldName + "=" + encodeURIComponent(oField.value) + "&"; break; case "select-one": qs += sFieldName + "=" + encodeURIComponent(oField.options[oField.selectedIndex].value) + "&"; break; case "select-multiple": for (var j = 0; j < oField.length; j++) { var optElem = oField.options[j]; if (optElem.selected === true) { qs += sFieldName + "[]" + "=" + encodeURIComponent(optElem.value) + "&"; } } break; case "checkbox": case "radio": if(oField.checked) { qs += sFieldName + "=" + encodeURIComponent(oField.value) + "&"; } break; } } } // return after removing last '&' return qs.substr(0, qs.length - 1); }; /** * Asynchronously update an element with response of an XMLHttpRequest-based emulation of a form submission.

The form action and * method attributess will be followed. Passing a configured XSLT processor will result in * transforming and updating the server response before using it to update the target element. * You can also pass a callback function to be executed when the update is finished. The function will be called as * functionName(oNode, oTargetElement);


Here is an example of using this in a form element:

 * <div id="targetId"> this content will be updated</div>
 * <form action="/my/form/handler" method="post" 
 *     onbeforesubmit="return Sarissa.updateContentFromForm(this, document.getElementById('targetId'));">

If JavaScript is supported, the form will not be submitted. Instead, Sarissa will * scan the form and make an appropriate AJAX request, also adding a parameter * to signal to the server that this is an AJAX call. The parameter is * constructed as Sarissa.REMOTE_CALL_FLAG = "=true" so you can change the name in your webpage * simply by assigning another value to Sarissa.REMOTE_CALL_FLAG. If JavaScript is not supported * the form will be submitted normally. * @memberOf Sarissa * @param oForm the form submition to emulate * @param oTargetElement the element to update * @param xsltproc (optional) the transformer to use on the returned * content before updating the target element with it * @param callback (optional) a Function object to execute once the update is finished successfuly, called as callback(oNode, oTargetElement). * In case an exception occurs during excecution and a callback function was provided, the exception is cought and the callback is called as * callback(oForm, oTargetElement, exception) */ Sarissa.updateContentFromForm = function(oForm, oTargetElement, xsltproc, callback) { try{ Sarissa.updateCursor(oTargetElement, "wait"); // build parameters from form fields var params = Sarissa.formToQueryString(oForm) + "&" + Sarissa.REMOTE_CALL_FLAG + "=true"; var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); var bUseGet = oForm.getAttribute("method") && oForm.getAttribute("method").toLowerCase() == "get"; if(bUseGet) { xmlhttp.open("GET", oForm.getAttribute("action")+"?"+params, true); } else{ xmlhttp.open('POST', oForm.getAttribute("action"), true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { try{ if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) { var oDomDoc = xmlhttp.responseXML; if(oDomDoc && Sarissa.getParseErrorText(oDomDoc) == Sarissa.PARSED_OK){ Sarissa.updateContentFromNode(xmlhttp.responseXML, oTargetElement, xsltproc); callback(oForm, oTargetElement); } else{ throw Sarissa.getParseErrorText(oDomDoc); } } } catch(e){ if(callback){ callback(oForm, oTargetElement, e); } else{ throw e; } } }; xmlhttp.send(bUseGet?"":params); } catch(e){ Sarissa.updateCursor(oTargetElement, "auto"); if(callback){ callback(oForm, oTargetElement, e); } else{ throw e; } } return false; }; // EOF // Global Variables // var timeout = null; // TODO - use sarissa for standard XMLHttpRequest Support. // AJAX-JSF AJAX-like library, for communicate with view Tree on server side. // Modified by Alexander J. Smirnov to use as JSF AJAX-like components. A4J.AJAX = {}; /** * XMLHttp transport class - incapsulate most of client-specifiv functions for call server requests. */ A4J.AJAX.XMLHttpRequest = function(query){ this._query = query; // Store document element, to check page replacement. this._documentElement = window.document.documentElement; }; A4J.AJAX.XMLHttpRequest.prototype = { _query : null, _timeout : 0, _timeoutID : null, onready : null, _parsingStatus : Sarissa.PARSED_EMPTY, _errorMessage : "XML Response object not set", _contentType : null, _onerror : function(req,status,message) { // Status not 200 - error ! // window.alert(message); if(status !=599 && req.getResponseText()){ A4J.AJAX.replacePage(req); } }, onfinish : null, options : {}, domEvt : null, form : null, _request : null, _aborted : false, _documentElement : null, setRequestTimeout : function(timeout){ this._timeout = timeout; }, /** * Send request to server with parameters from query ( POST or GET depend on client type ) */ send : function(){ this._request = new XMLHttpRequest(); var _this = this; this._request.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(window.document.documentElement != _this._documentElement){ LOG.warn("Page for current request have been unloaded - abort processing" ); _this.abort(); return; }; if(_this._aborted){ return; }; LOG.debug("Reqest state : "+_this._request.readyState ); if (_this._request.readyState == 4 ) { LOG.debug("Reqest end with state 4"); if(_this._timeoutID){ window.clearTimeout(_this._timeoutID); } var requestStatus; var requestStatusText; try{ requestStatus = _this._request.status; requestStatusText = _this._request.statusText; } catch(e){ LOG.error("request don't have status code - network problem, "+e.message); requestStatus = 599; requestStatusText = "Network error"; } if(requestStatus == 200){ try { LOG.debug("Response with content-type: "+ _this.getResponseHeader('Content-Type')); LOG.debug("Full response content: ", _this.getResponseText()); } catch(e) { // IE Can throw exception for any responses } // Prepare XML, if exist. if(_this._request.responseXML ){ _this._parsingStatus = Sarissa.getParseErrorText(_this._request.responseXML); if(_this._parsingStatus == Sarissa.PARSED_OK && Sarissa.setXpathNamespaces ){ Sarissa.setXpathNamespaces(_this._request.responseXML,"xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'"); } } if(_this.onready){ _this.onready(_this); } } else { _this._errorMessage = "Reqest error, status : "+requestStatus +" " + requestStatusText ; LOG.error(_this._errorMessage); if(typeof(_this._onerror) == "function"){ _this._onerror(_this,requestStatus,_this._errorMessage); } if (_this.onfinish) { _this.onfinish(_this); } } _this = undefined; } }; //this._onReady; try{ LOG.debug("Start XmlHttpRequest"); this._request.open('POST', this._query.getActionUrl("") , true); // Query use utf-8 encoding for prepare urlencode data, force request content-type and charset. var contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"; this._request.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", contentType); } catch(e){ // Opera 7-8 - force get LOG.debug("XmlHttpRequest not support setRequestHeader - use GET instead of POST"); this._request.open('GET', this._query.getActionUrl("")+"?"+this._query.getQueryString() , true); } // send data. this._request.send(this._query.getQueryString()); if(this._timeout > 0){ this._timeoutID = window.setTimeout(function(){ LOG.warn("request stopped due to timeout"); if(!_this._aborted){ A4J.AJAX.status(_this.containerId,_this.options.status,false); if(typeof(A4J.AJAX.onAbort) == "function"){ A4J.AJAX.onAbort(_this); } } _this._aborted=true; _this._request.abort(); if(_this._onerror){ _this._errorMessage = "Request timeout"; _this._onerror(_this,500,_this._errorMessage); } if(_this.onfinish){ _this.onfinish(_this); } _this._request=undefined; _this = undefined; },this._timeout); } }, abort: function(){ if(!this._aborted){ A4J.AJAX.status(this.containerId,this.options.status,false); if(typeof(A4J.AJAX.onAbort) == "function"){ A4J.AJAX.onAbort(this); } } this._aborted=true; if(this._request){ try{ // this._request.abort(); if(this._timeoutID){ window.clearTimeout(this._timeoutID); } } catch (e){ LOG.warn("Exception for abort current request "+e.Message); } } }, getResponseText : function(){ try { return this._request.responseText; } catch(e){ return null; } }, getError : function(){ return this._errorMessage; }, getParserStatus : function(){ return this._parsingStatus; }, getContentType : function(){ if(!this._contentType){ var contentType = this.getResponseHeader('Content-Type'); if(contentType){ var i = contentType.indexOf(';'); if( i >= 0 ){ this._contentType = contentType.substring(0,i); } else { this._contentType = contentType; } } else { this._contentType="text/html"; } } return this._contentType; }, getResponseHeader : function(name){ var result; // Different behavior - for non-existing headers, Firefox throws exception, // IE return "" , try{ result = this._request.getResponseHeader(name); if(result === ""){ result = undefined; } } catch(e) { } if(!result){ // Header not exist or Opera <=8.0 error. Try to find tag with same name. LOG.debug("Header "+name+" not found, search in "); if(this._parsingStatus == Sarissa.PARSED_OK){ var metas = this.getElementsByTagName("meta"); for(var i = 0; i < metas.length;i++){ var meta = metas[i]; LOG.debug("Find "); if(meta.getAttribute("name") == name){ result = meta.getAttribute("content"); break; } } } } return result; }, /** * get elements with elementname in responseXML or, if present - in element. */ getElementsByTagName : function(elementname,element){ if(!element){ element = this._request.responseXML; } LOG.debug("search for elements by name '"+elementname+"' "+" in element "+element.nodeName); var elements; try { elements = element.selectNodes(".//*[local-name()=\""+ elementname +"\"]"); } catch (ex) { try { elements = element.getElementsByTagName(elementname); } catch(nf){ LOG.debug("getElementsByTagName found no elements, "+nf.Message); } } // return document.getElementsByTagName(tagName); // elements = element.getElementsByTagNameNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml",elementname); // LOG.debug("getElementsByTagNameNS found "+elements.length); return elements; }, /** * Find element in response by ID. Since in IE response not validated, use selectSingleNode instead. */ getElementById : function(id){ // first attempt - .getElementById. var oDoc = this._request.responseXML; if(oDoc){ if(typeof(oDoc.getElementById) != 'undefined') { LOG.debug("call getElementById for id= "+id); return oDoc.getElementById(id); } else if(typeof(oDoc.selectSingleNode) != "undefined") { LOG.debug("call selectSingleNode for id= "+id); return oDoc.selectSingleNode("//*[@id='"+id+"']"); /* XPATH istead of ID */ } // nodeFromID not worked since XML validation disabled by // default for MS else if(typeof(oDoc.nodeFromID) != "undefined") { LOG.debug("call nodeFromID for id= "+id); return oDoc.nodeFromID(id); } LOG.error("No functions for getElementById found "); } else { LOG.debug("No parsed XML document in response"); } return null; }, getJSON : function(id){ var data; var dataElement = this.getElementById(id); if(dataElement){ try { data = Sarissa.getText(dataElement,true); data = window.eval('('+data+')'); } catch(e){ LOG.error("Error on parsing JSON data "+e.message,data); } } return data; }, _evaluateScript: function(node) { var includeComments = !A4J.AJAX.isXhtmlScriptMode(); var newscript = A4J.AJAX.getText(node, includeComments) ; // TODO - Mozilla disable innerHTML in XML page ...""; try { LOG.debug("Evaluate script replaced area in document: ", newscript); if (window.execScript) { window.execScript( newscript ); } else { window.eval(newscript); } LOG.debug("Script evaluation succeeded"); } catch(e){ LOG.error("ERROR Evaluate script: Error name: " + e.name + e.message?". Error message: "+e.message:""); } }, evaluateQueueScript: function() { var queueScript = this.getElementById('org.ajax4jsf.queue_script'); if (queueScript) { this._evaluateScript(queueScript); } }, evalScripts : function(node, isLast){ var newscripts = this.getElementsByTagName("script",node); LOG.debug("Scripts in updated part count : " + newscripts.length); if( newscripts.length > 0 ){ var _this = this; window.setTimeout(function() { for (var i = 0; i < newscripts.length; i++){ _this._evaluateScript(newscripts[i]); } newscripts = null; if (isLast) { _this.doFinish(); } _this = undefined; }, 0); } else { if (isLast) { this.doFinish(); } } }, /** * Update DOM element with given ID by element with same ID in parsed responseXML */ updatePagePart : function(id, isLast){ var newnode = this.getElementById(id); if( ! newnode ) { LOG.error("New node for ID "+id+" is not present in response"); if (isLast) { this.doFinish(); } return; } var oldnode = window.document.getElementById(id); if ( oldnode ) { // Remove unload prototype events for a removed elements. if (window.RichFaces && window.RichFaces.Memory) { window.RichFaces.Memory.clean(oldnode, true); } var anchor = oldnode.parentNode; if(!window.opera && oldnode.outerHTML && !oldnode.tagName.match( /(tbody|thead|tfoot|tr|th|td)/i ) ){ LOG.debug("Replace content of node by outerHTML()"); try { oldnode.innerHTML = ""; } catch(e){ LOG.error("Error to clear node content by innerHTML "+e.message); Sarissa.clearChildNodes(oldnode); } /* Fix for IE 9 Problems with ReRender function */ if(navigator.appName.indexOf('Internet Explorer')>0){ oldnode.outerHTML = newnode.xml }else{ oldnode.outerHTML = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(newnode); } } else { // need to check for firstChild due to opera 8 bug with hasChildNodes Sarissa.clearChildNodes(oldnode); var importednode = window.document.importNode(newnode, true); //importednode.innerHTML = importednode.innerHTML; LOG.debug("Replace content of node by replaceChild()"); anchor.replaceChild(importednode,oldnode); } // re-execute all script fragments in imported subtree... // TODO - opera 8 run scripts at replace content stage. if(!A4J.AJAX._scriptEvaluated){ this.evalScripts(newnode, isLast); } LOG.debug("Update part of page for Id: "+id + " successful"); } else { LOG.warn("Node for replace by response with id "+id+" not found in document"); if (!A4J.AJAX._scriptEvaluated && isLast) { this.doFinish(); } } if (A4J.AJAX._scriptEvaluated && isLast) { this.doFinish(); } }, doFinish: function() { if(this.onfinish){ this.onfinish(this); } }, appendNewHeadElements : function(callback){ // Append scripts and styles to head, if not presented in page before. var includes = this._appendNewElements("script","src",null,null,["type","language","charset"]); var _this = this; includes.concat( this._appendNewElements("link","href","class",["component","user"],["type","rev","media"],{"class": "className"}, function (element, script) { //IE requires to re-set rel or href after insertion to initialize correctly //see http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/RF-1627#action_12394642 _this._copyAttribute(element,script,"rel"); } )); if ( includes.length == 0) { callback(); return; } A4J.AJAX.headElementsCounter = includes.length; var onReadyStateChange = function () { if (this.readyState == 'loaded' || this.readyState == 'complete') { this.onreadystatechange = null; this.onload = null; callback(); } }; var onLoad = function () { this.onreadystatechange = null; this.onload = null; callback(); }; for (var i = 0; i in response with src="+src); for(var j = 0 ; j < oldscripts.length; j++){ if(this._noSessionHref(src) == this._noSessionHref(oldscripts[j].getAttribute(href))){ LOG.debug("Such element exist in document"); if (role) { var oldRole = oldscripts[j][mappedRole]; if ((!elementRole ^ !oldRole) || (elementRole && oldRole && elementRole != oldRole)) { LOG.warn("Roles are different"); } } exist = true; break; } } if(!exist){ // var script = window.document.importNode(element,true); // var script = document.createElement(tag); script.setAttribute(href,src); for(var j = 0 ; j < attributes.length; j++){ this._copyAttribute(element,script,attributes[j]); } if (elementRole) { script[mappedRole] = elementRole; } LOG.debug("append element to document"); for ( var j = 0; j < A4J.AJAX._headTransformers.length; j++) { A4J.AJAX._headTransformers[j](script); } var anchor = roleAnchors[elementRole]; if (anchor && anchor.parentNode) { anchor.parentNode.insertBefore(script, anchor); } else { head.appendChild(script); } if (callback) { callback(element,script); } if (tag!="link" || script.type.toLowerCase()=="text/javascript") elements.push(script); } } } return elements; }, _noSessionHref : function(href){ var cref = href; if(href){ var sessionid = href.lastIndexOf(";jsessionid="); if(sessionid>0){ cref = href.substring(0,sessionid); var params = href.lastIndexOf("?"); if(params>sessionid){ cref=cref+href.substring(params); } } } return cref; }, _copyAttribute : function(src,dst,attr){ var value = src.getAttribute(attr); if(value){ dst.setAttribute(attr,value); } } }; //Listeners should be notified A4J.AJAX.Listener = function(onafterajax){ this.onafterajax = onafterajax; }; A4J.AJAX.AjaxListener = function(type, callback){ this[type] = callback; }; A4J.AJAX._listeners= []; A4J.AJAX.AddListener = function(listener){ A4J.AJAX._listeners.push(listener); }; A4J.AJAX.removeListeners = function(listener){ A4J.AJAX._listeners = []; }; A4J.AJAX.removeListener = function(listener){ for (var i=A4J.AJAX._listeners.length-1;i>=0;i--){ if (A4J.AJAX._listeners[i] == listener){ A4J.AJAX._listeners.splice(i,1); } } }; //head element transformers A4J.AJAX.HeadElementTransformer = function(elt){ this.elt = elt; }; A4J.AJAX._headTransformers = []; A4J.AJAX.AddHeadElementTransformer = function(listener){ A4J.AJAX._headTransformers.push(listener); }; A4J.AJAX.SetZeroRequestDelay = function(options) { if (typeof options.requestDelay == "undefined") { options.requestDelay = 0; } }; // pollers timerId's A4J.AJAX._pollers = {}; /* * * */ A4J.AJAX.Poll = function( containerId, form, options ) { A4J.AJAX.StopPoll(options.pollId); if(!options.onerror){ options.onerror = function(req,status,message){ if(typeof(A4J.AJAX.onError)== "function"){ A4J.AJAX.onError(req,status,message); } // For error, re-submit request. A4J.AJAX.Poll(containerId,form,options); }; } if (!options.onqueuerequestdrop) { options.onqueuerequestdrop = function() { A4J.AJAX.Poll(containerId,form,options); }; } A4J.AJAX.SetZeroRequestDelay(options); A4J.AJAX._pollers[options.pollId] = window.setTimeout(function(){ A4J.AJAX._pollers[options.pollId]=undefined; if((typeof(options.onsubmit) == 'function') && (options.onsubmit()==false)){ // Onsubmit disable current poll, start next interval. A4J.AJAX.Poll(containerId,form,options); } else { A4J.AJAX.Submit(containerId,form,null,options); } },options.pollinterval); }; A4J.AJAX.StopPoll = function( Id ) { if(A4J.AJAX._pollers[Id]){ window.clearTimeout(A4J.AJAX._pollers[Id]); A4J.AJAX._pollers[Id] = undefined; } }; /* * * */ A4J.AJAX.Push = function( containerId, form, options ) { A4J.AJAX.StopPush(options.pushId); options.onerror = function(){ // For error, re-submit request. A4J.AJAX.Push(containerId,form,options); }; options.onqueuerequestdrop = function() { LOG.debug("Push main request dropped from queue"); }; A4J.AJAX._pollers[options.pushId] = window.setTimeout(function(){ var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onreadystatechange = function(){ if (request.readyState == 4 ) { try { if(request.status == 200){ if(request.getResponseHeader("Ajax-Push-Status")=="READY"){ A4J.AJAX.SetZeroRequestDelay(options); A4J.AJAX.Submit(containerId,form||options.dummyForm,null,options); } } } catch(e){ // Network error. } // Clear variables. request=null; A4J.AJAX._pollers[options.pushId] = null; // Re-send request. A4J.AJAX.Push( containerId, form, options ); } } A4J.AJAX.SendPush( request,options ); },options.pushinterval); }; A4J.AJAX.SendPush = function( request,options ) { var url = options.pushUrl || options.actionUrl; request.open('HEAD', url , true); request.setRequestHeader( "Ajax-Push-Key", options.pushId); if(options.timeout){ request.setRequestHeader( "Timeout", options.timeout); } request.send(null); } A4J.AJAX.StopPush = function( Id ) { if(A4J.AJAX._pollers[Id]){ window.clearTimeout(A4J.AJAX._pollers[Id]); A4J.AJAX._pollers[Id] = null; } }; A4J.AJAX.CloneObject = function( obj, noFunctions ) { var cloned = {}; for( var n in obj ){ if(noFunctions && typeof(evt[prop]) == 'function'){ continue; } cloned[n]=obj[n]; } return cloned; } A4J.AJAX.SubmitForm = function( containerId, form, options ) { var opt = A4J.AJAX.CloneObject(options); // Setup active control if form submitted by button. if(A4J._formInput){ LOG.debug("Form submitted by button "+A4J._formInput.id); opt.control = A4J._formInput; A4J._formInput = null; opt.submitByForm=true; } A4J.AJAX.Submit(containerId,form,null,opt); } /** * This method should be deprecated and maybe even removed? */ A4J.AJAX.SubmiteventsQueue = function( eventsQueue ) { eventsQueue.submit(); }; A4J.AJAX.CloneEvent = function(evt) { var domEvt; evt = evt || window.event || null; if(evt){ // Create copy of event object, since most of properties undefined outside of event capture. try { domEvt = A4J.AJAX.CloneObject(evt,false); } catch(e){ LOG.warn("Exception on clone event "+e.name +":"+e.message); } LOG.debug("Have Event "+domEvt+" with properties: target: "+domEvt.target+", srcElement: "+domEvt.srcElement+", type: "+domEvt.type); } return domEvt; }; A4J.AJAX.PrepareQuery = function(containerId, formId, domEvt, options) { // Process listeners. for(var li = 0; li < A4J.AJAX._listeners.length; li++){ var listener = A4J.AJAX._listeners[li]; if(listener.onbeforeajax){ listener.onbeforeajax(formId,domEvt,options); } } // First - run onsubmit event for client-side validation. LOG.debug("Query preparation for form '" + formId + "' requested"); // var form = A4J.AJAX.locateForm(event); var form = window.document.getElementById(formId); if( (!form || form.nodeName.toUpperCase() != "FORM") && domEvt ) { var srcElement = domEvt.target||domEvt.srcElement||null; if(srcElement){ form = A4J.AJAX.locateForm(srcElement); }; }; // TODO - test for null of form object if(!options.submitByForm && form && form.onsubmit) { LOG.debug("Form have onsubmit function, call it" ); if( form.onsubmit() == false ){ return false; }; }; var tosend = new A4J.Query(containerId, form); tosend.appendFormControls(options.single, options.control); //appending options.control moved to appendFormControls //if(options.control){ // tosend.appendControl(options.control,true); //}; if(options.parameters){ tosend.appendParameters(options.parameters); }; if(options.actionUrl){ tosend.setActionUrl(options.actionUrl); }; return tosend; }; A4J.AJAX.SubmitQuery = function (query, options, domEvt) { // build xxxHttpRequest. by Sarissa / JSHttpRequest class always defined. var req = new A4J.AJAX.XMLHttpRequest(query); var form = query._form; var containerId = query._containerId; req.options = options; req.containerId = containerId; req.domEvt = domEvt; req.form = form; if(options.timeout){ req.setRequestTimeout(options.timeout); }; // Event handler for process response result. req.onready = A4J.AJAX.processResponse; if(options.onerror){ req._onerror = options.onerror; } else if(typeof(A4J.AJAX.onError)== "function"){ req._onerror = A4J.AJAX.onError; } var _queueonerror = options.queueonerror; if (_queueonerror) { var _onerror = req._onerror; if (_onerror) { req._onerror = function() { _queueonerror.apply(this, arguments); _onerror.apply(this, arguments); }; } else { req._onerror = _queueonerror; } } req.onfinish = A4J.AJAX.finishRequest; LOG.debug("NEW AJAX REQUEST !!! with form: " + (form.id || form.name || form)); A4J.AJAX.status(containerId,options.status,true); req.send(); return req; }; //Submit or put in queue request. It not full queues - framework perform waiting only one request to same queue, new events simple replace last. //If request for same queue already performed, replace with current parameters. A4J.AJAX.Submit = function( containerId, formId, event , options ) { var domEvt = A4J.AJAX.CloneEvent(event); var query = A4J.AJAX.PrepareQuery(containerId, formId, domEvt, options); if (query) { var queue = A4J.AJAX.EventQueue.getOrCreateQueue(options, formId); if (queue) { queue.push(query, options, domEvt); } else { A4J.AJAX.SubmitQuery(query, options, domEvt); } } return false; }; // Main request submitting functions. // parameters : // form - HtmlForm object for submit. // control - form element, called request, or, clientID for JSF view. // affected - Array of ID's for DOM Objects, updated after request. Override // list of updated areas in response. // statusID - DOM id request status tags. // oncomplete - function for call after complete request. A4J.AJAX.SubmitRequest = function( containerId, formId, event, options ) { var domEvt = A4J.AJAX.CloneEvent(event); var query = A4J.AJAX.PrepareQuery(containerId, formId, domEvt, options); if (query) { A4J.AJAX.SubmitQuery(query, options, domEvt); } return false; }; A4J.AJAX.processResponseAfterUpdateHeadElements = function (req, ids) { req.evaluateQueueScript(); for ( var k =0; k < ids.length ; k++ ) { var id = ids[k]; LOG.debug("Update page part from call parameter for ID " + id); req.updatePagePart(id, k==ids.length-1); }; } A4J.AJAX.headElementsCounter = 0; A4J.AJAX.processResponse = function(req) { A4J.AJAX.TestScriptEvaluation(); var options = req.options; var ajaxResponse = req.getResponseHeader('Ajax-Response'); // If view is expired, check user-defined handler. var expiredMsg = req.getResponseHeader('Ajax-Expired'); if(expiredMsg && typeof(A4J.AJAX.onExpired) == 'function' ){ var loc = A4J.AJAX.onExpired(window.location,expiredMsg); if(loc){ window.location = loc; return; } } if( ajaxResponse != "true"){ // NO Ajax header - new page. LOG.warn("No ajax response header "); var loc = req.getResponseHeader("Location"); try{ if(ajaxResponse == 'redirect' && loc){ window.location = loc; } else if(ajaxResponse == "reload"){ window.location.reload(true); } else { A4J.AJAX.replacePage(req); } } catch(e){ LOG.error("Error redirect to new location "); } } else { if(req.getParserStatus() == Sarissa.PARSED_OK){ // perform beforeupdate if exists if(options.onbeforedomupdate || options.queueonbeforedomupdate){ var event = req.domEvt; var data = req.getJSON('_ajax:data'); LOG.debug( "Call local onbeforedomupdate function before replacing elemements" ); if (options.onbeforedomupdate) { options.onbeforedomupdate(req, event, data); } if (options.queueonbeforedomupdate) { options.queueonbeforedomupdate(req, event, data); } } var idsFromResponse = req.getResponseHeader("Ajax-Update-Ids"); var ids; var callback = function () { if (A4J.AJAX.headElementsCounter!=0) { LOG.debug("Script "+A4J.AJAX.headElementsCounter+" was loaded"); --A4J.AJAX.headElementsCounter; } if (A4J.AJAX.headElementsCounter==0) { A4J.AJAX.processResponseAfterUpdateHeadElements(req, ids); } }; // 3 strategy for replace : // if setted affected parameters - replace its if( options.affected ) { ids = options.affected; req.appendNewHeadElements(callback); // if resopnce contains element with ID "ajax:update" get id's from // child text element . like : //

// _id1:1234 // ......... //
// } else if( idsFromResponse && idsFromResponse != "" ) { LOG.debug("Update page by list of rendered areas from response " + idsFromResponse ); // Append scripts and styles to head, if not presented in page before. ids = idsFromResponse.split(","); req.appendNewHeadElements(callback); } else { // if none of above - error ? // A4J.AJAX.replace(form.id,A4J.AJAX.findElement(form.id,xmlDoc)); LOG.warn("No information in response about elements to replace"); req.doFinish(); } // Replace client-side hidden inputs for JSF View state. var idsSpan = req.getElementById("ajax-view-state"); //LOG.debug("Hidden JSF state fields: "+idsSpan); if(idsSpan != null){ // For a portal case, replace content in the current window only. var namespace = options.parameters['org.ajax4jsf.portlet.NAMESPACE']; LOG.debug("Namespace for hidden view-state input fields is "+namespace); var anchor = namespace?window.document.getElementById(namespace):window.document; var inputs = anchor.getElementsByTagName("input"); try { var newinputs = req.getElementsByTagName("input",idsSpan); A4J.AJAX.replaceViewState(inputs,newinputs); } catch(e){ LOG.warn("No elements 'input' in response"); } // For any cases, new state can be in uppercase element try { var newinputs = req.getElementsByTagName("INPUT",idsSpan); A4J.AJAX.replaceViewState(inputs,newinputs); } catch(e){ LOG.warn("No elements 'INPUT' in response"); } } // Process listeners. for(var li = 0; li < A4J.AJAX._listeners.length; li++){ var listener = A4J.AJAX._listeners[li]; if(listener.onafterajax){ // Evaluate data as JSON String. var data = req.getJSON('_ajax:data'); listener.onafterajax(req,req.domEvt,data); } } // Set focus, if nessesary. var focusId = req.getJSON("_A4J.AJAX.focus"); if(focusId){ LOG.debug("focus must be set to control "+focusId); var focusElement=false; if(req.form){ // Attempt to get form control for name. By Richfaces naming convensions, // complex component must set clientId as DOM id for a root element , // and as input element name. focusElement = req.form.elements[focusId]; } if(!focusElement){ // If not found as control element, search in DOM. LOG.debug("No control element "+focusId+" in submitted form"); focusElement = document.getElementById(focusId); } if(focusElement){ LOG.debug("Set focus to control "); focusElement.focus(); if (focusElement.select) focusElement.select(); } else { LOG.warn("Element for set focus not found"); } } else { LOG.debug("No focus information in response"); } } else { // No response XML LOG.error( "Error parsing XML" ); LOG.error("Parse Error: " + req.getParserStatus()); } } }; A4J.AJAX.replacePage = function(req){ if(!req.getResponseText()){ LOG.warn("No content in response for replace current page"); return; } LOG.debug("replace all page content with response"); var isIE = Sarissa._SARISSA_IS_IE; // maksimkaszynski //Prevent "Permission denied in IE7" //Reset calling principal var oldDocOpen = window.document.open; if (isIE) { LOG.debug("setup custom document.open method"); window.document.open = function() { oldDocOpen.apply(this, arguments); } } // /maksimkaszynski window.setTimeout(function() { var isDocOpen=false; try { window.document.open(req.getContentType(),true); LOG.debug("window.document has opened for writing"); isDocOpen=true; window.document.write(req.getResponseText()); LOG.debug("window.document has been writed"); window.document.close(); LOG.debug("window.document has been closed for writing"); if(isIE){ // For Ie , scripts on page not activated. window.location.reload(false); } } catch(e) { LOG.debug("exception during write page content "+e.Message); if(isDocOpen){ window.document.close(); } // Firefox/Mozilla in XHTML case don't support document.write() // Use dom manipulation instead. var oDomDoc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(req.getResponseText(), "text/xml"); if(Sarissa.getParseErrorText(oDomDoc) == Sarissa.PARSED_OK){ LOG.debug("response has parsed as DOM documnet."); Sarissa.clearChildNodes(window.document.documentElement); var docNodes = oDomDoc.documentElement.childNodes; for(var i = 0;i 0) && (inputs.length > 0) ){ for(var i = 0 ; i < newinputs.length; i++){ var newinput = newinputs[i]; LOG.debug("Input in response: "+newinput.getAttribute("name")); for(var j = 0 ; j < inputs.length; j++){ var input = inputs[j]; if(input.name == newinput.getAttribute("name")){ LOG.debug("Found same input on page with type: "+input.type); input.value = newinput.getAttribute("value"); } } } } }; /** * */ A4J.AJAX.finishRequest = function(request){ var options = request.options; // we can set listener for complete request - for example, // it can shedule next request for update page. var oncomp = request.getElementById('org.ajax4jsf.oncomplete'); if(oncomp) { LOG.debug( "Call request oncomplete function after processing updates" ); window.setTimeout(function(){ var event = request.domEvt; var data = request.getJSON('_ajax:data'); try { var target = null; if (event) { target = event.target ? event.target : event.srcElement; } var newscript = Sarissa.getText(oncomp,true); var oncomplete = new Function("request","event","data",newscript); oncomplete.call(target,request,event,data); if (options.queueoncomplete) { options.queueoncomplete.call(target, request, event, data); } } catch (e) { LOG.error('Error evaluate oncomplete function '+e.Message); } // mark status object ( if any ) for complete request ; A4J.AJAX.status(request.containerId,options.status,false);}, 0); } else if (options.oncomplete || options.queueoncomplete){ LOG.debug( "Call local oncomplete function after processing updates" ); window.setTimeout(function(){ var event = request.domEvt; var data = request.getJSON('_ajax:data'); if (options.oncomplete) { options.oncomplete(request, event, data); } if (options.queueoncomplete) { options.queueoncomplete(request, event, data); } // mark status object ( if any ) for complete request ; A4J.AJAX.status(request.containerId,options.status,false);}, 0); } else { LOG.debug( "Processing updates finished, no oncomplete function to call" ); setTimeout(function() { // mark status object ( if any ) for complete request ; A4J.AJAX.status(request.containerId,options.status,false); }, 0) } if (request.shouldNotifyQueue && request.queue) { request.queue.pop(); } }; A4J.AJAX.getCursorPos = function(inp){ if(inp.selectionEnd != null) return inp.selectionEnd; // IE specific code var range = document.selection.createRange(); var isCollapsed = range.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", range) == 0; if (!isCollapsed) range.collapse(false); var b = range.getBookmark(); return b.charCodeAt(2) - 2; } // Locate enclosing form for object. A4J.AJAX.locateForm = function(obj){ var parent = obj; while(parent && parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'form'){ parent = parent.parentNode; }; return parent; }; A4J.AJAX.getElementById = function(id,options){ var namespace = options['org.ajax4jsf.portlet.NAMESPACE']; var anchor = namespace?window.document.getElementById(namespace):window.document; var element; if(anchor){ element = anchor.getElementById(id); } else { LOG.error("No root element for portlet namespace "+namespace+" on page"); } return element; } // hash for requests count for all ID's A4J.AJAX._requestsCounts = {}; // Change status object on start/stop request. // on start, document object with targetID+".start" make visible, // document object with targetID+".stop" make invisible. // on stop - inverse. A4J.AJAX.status = function(regionID,targetID,start){ try { var elem; targetID = targetID || regionID +":status"; A4J.AJAX._requestsCounts[targetID]=(A4J.AJAX._requestsCounts[targetID]||0)+(start?1:-1); if(A4J.AJAX._requestsCounts[targetID]>0){ elem = document.getElementById(targetID+".stop"); if(elem){elem.style.display="none";} elem = document.getElementById(targetID+".start"); if(elem){ elem.style.display=""; if(typeof(elem.onstart) == 'function'){ elem.onstart(); } } }else{ elem = document.getElementById(targetID+".start"); if(elem){elem.style.display="none";} elem = document.getElementById(targetID+".stop"); if(elem){ elem.style.display=""; if(typeof(elem.onstop) == 'function'){ elem.onstop(); } } } } catch(e){ LOG.error("Exception on status change: "); } }; // Class for build query string. A4J.Query = function(containerId, form){ // For detect AJAX Request. this._query = {AJAXREQUEST : containerId}; this._oldSubmit = null ; this._form = form; this._containerId = containerId; this._actionUrl = ( this._form.action)?this._form.action:this._form; }; A4J.Query.prototype = { _form : null, _actionUrl : null, _ext : "", _query : {}, _oldSubmit : null, // init at loading time - script can change location at run time ? ... _pageBase : window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host, // hash for control elements query string functions hidden : function(control){ this._value_query(control); // TODO - configurable mask for hidden command scripts. if( (control.name.length > 4) && (control.name.lastIndexOf("_idcl") == (control.name.length-5)) ){ control.value=""; // MYfaces version ... } else if( (control.name.length > 12) && (control.name.lastIndexOf("_link_hidden_") == (control.name.length-13)) ){ control.value=""; } }, text : function(control){ this._value_query(control); }, textarea : function(control){ this._value_query(control); }, 'select-one' : function(control){ // If none options selected, don't include parameter. if (control.selectedIndex != -1) { this._value_query(control); } // for( var i =0; i< control.childNodes.length; i++ ){ // var child=control.childNodes[i]; // if( child.selected ){ // this._value_query(control); // break; // } // } }, password : function(control){ this._value_query(control); }, file : function(control){ this._value_query(control); }, radio : function(control){ this._radio_query(control); }, checkbox : function(control){ this._check_query(control); }, 'select-multiple' : function(control){ var cname = control.name; var options = control.options; for( var i=0 ;i< control.length;i++ ){ var option = options[i]; this._addOption(cname, option); } }, _addOption : function(cname,option){ if ( option.selected ){ if( ! this._query[cname] ){ this._query[cname]=[]; } this._query[cname][this._query[cname].length]=option.value; } }, // command inputs image : function( control, action ){ if(action) this._value_query(control); }, button : function( control, action ){ if(action) this._value_query(control); }, submit : function( control, action ){ if(action) { this._value_query(control); } }, // Anchor link pseudo-control. link : function(control, action ){ if(action) { this._value_query(control); if(control.parameters){ this.appendParameters(control.parameters); } } }, // same as link, but have additional field - control, for input submit. input : function(control, action ){ if(action) { this.link(control, action ); // append original control. if( control.control ) { this.appendControl(control.control,action); } } }, // Append one control to query. appendControl : function(control,action){ if( this[control.type] ) { this[control.type](control,action); } else { this._appendById(control.id||control); } }, // Append all non-hidden controls from form to query. appendFormControls : function(hiddenOnly, actionControl){ try { var elems = this._form.elements; if(elems){ var k = 0; for ( k=0;k=0 ) { return actionUrl.substring(0,ask) + ext + actionUrl.substring(ask); } else return actionUrl + ext; }, // Build query string for send to server. getQueryString : function() { var qs = ""; var iname ; for ( var k in this._query ){ if(typeof Object.prototype[k] == 'undefined'){ iname = this._query[k]; if( iname instanceof Object ){ for ( var l=0; l< iname.length; l++ ) { qs += this._encode(k) + "=" + this._encode(iname[l]) + "&"; } } else { qs += this._encode(k) + "=" + this._encode(iname) + "&"; } } } LOG.debug("QueryString: "+qs); return qs; }, // private methods _appendById : function( id ) { this.appendParameter(this._form.id + "_link_hidden_", id); // JSF-ri version ... // this._query[this._form.id + "_idcl"]=id; }, _value_query : function(control){ if (control.name) { LOG.debug("Append "+control.type+" control "+control.name+" with value ["+control.value+"] and value attribute ["+control.getAttribute('value')+"]"); if(null != control.value){ this.appendParameter(control.name, control.value); } } else { LOG.debug("Ignored "+control.type+" no-name control with value ["+control.value+"] and value attribute ["+control.getAttribute('value')+"]"); } }, _check_query : function(control){ if( control.checked ) { this.appendParameter(control.name, control.value?control.value:"on"); } }, _radio_query : function(control) { if( control.checked ) { this.appendParameter(control.name, control.value?control.value:""); } }, // Append parameter to query. if name exist, append to array of parameters appendParameter: function(cname,value){ if( ! this._query[cname] ){ this._query[cname]=value; return; } else if( !(this._query[cname] instanceof Object) ){ this._query[cname] = [this._query[cname]]; } this._query[cname][this._query[cname].length]=value; }, // Encode data string for request string _encode : function(string) { try { return encodeURIComponent(string); } catch(e) { var str = escape(string); // escape don't encode +. but form replace ' ' in fields by '+' return str.split('+').join('%2B'); } } } A4J.AJAX.getText = function(oNode, includeComment) { var s = ""; var nodes = oNode.childNodes; for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++){ var node = nodes[i]; var nodeType = node.nodeType; if(nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE || nodeType == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE || (includeComment && nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE)){ s += node.data; } else if(nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE || nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE || nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE){ s += arguments.callee(node, includeComment); } } return s; } A4J.AJAX.isXhtmlScriptMode = function() { if (!this._xhtmlScriptMode) { var elt = document.createElement("div"); elt.innerHTML = ""; var commentFound = false; var s = elt.firstChild; while (s) { if (s.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { var c = s.firstChild; while (c) { if (c.nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE) { commentFound = true; break; } c = c.nextSibling; } break; } s = s.nextSibling; } if (commentFound) { this._xhtmlScriptMode = 2; } else { this._xhtmlScriptMode = 1; } } return this._xhtmlScriptMode > 1; } //Test for re-evaluate Scripts in updated part. Opera & Safari do it. A4J.AJAX._scriptEvaluated=false; A4J.AJAX.TestScriptEvaluation = function () { if ((!document.all || window.opera) && !A4J.AJAX._scriptTested){ try{ // Simulate same calls as on XmlHttp var oDomDoc = Sarissa.getDomDocument(); var _span = document.createElement("span"); document.body.appendChild(_span); // If script evaluated with used replace method, variable will be set to true var xmlString = "A4J.AJAX._scriptEvaluated=true;"; oDomDoc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(xmlString, "text/xml"); var _script=oDomDoc.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; if(!window.opera && _span.outerHTML){ _span.outerHTML = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(_script); } else { var importednode ; importednode = window.document.importNode(_script, true); document.body.replaceChild(importednode,_span); } } catch(e){ /* Mozilla in XHTML mode not have innerHTML */ }; } A4J.AJAX._scriptTested = true; } A4J.AJAX._eventQueues = {}; //queue constructor A4J.AJAX.EventQueue = function() { var DROP_NEW = 'dropNew'; var DROP_NEXT = 'dropNext'; var FIRE_NEW = 'fireNew'; var FIRE_NEXT = 'fireNext'; var extend = function(target, source) { for (var property in source) { target[property] = source[property]; } }; var extendOptions = function(options) { var opts = {}; for (var name in options) { opts[name] = options[name]; } for (var name in this.requestOptions) { if (typeof opts[name] == 'undefined') { opts[name] = this.requestOptions[name]; } } return opts; }; var QueueEntry = function() { var ctor = function(queue, query, options, event) { this.queue = queue; this.query = query; this.options = options; this.event = event; this.similarityGroupingId = this.options.similarityGroupingId; this.eventsCount = 1; }; extend(ctor.prototype, { isIgnoreDupResponses: function() { return this.options.ignoreDupResponses; }, getSimilarityGroupingId: function() { return this.similarityGroupingId; }, setSimilarityGroupingId: function(id) { this.similarityGroupingId = id; }, submit: function() { this.query.appendParameter("AJAX:EVENTS_COUNT", this.eventsCount); this.request = A4J.AJAX.SubmitQuery(this.query, this.options, this.event) var queue = this.queue; // TODO: move to next line this.request.queue = queue; return this.request; }, abort: function() { if (this.request) { //tell request not to notify queue after its processing finished //request.queue = undefined //is not ok for this case because user might want to obtain queue in any event handler this.request.shouldNotifyQueue = false; this.request.abort(); this.request = undefined; } }, ondrop: function() { var callback = this.options.onqueuerequestdrop; if (callback) { callback.call(this.queue, this.query, this.options, this.event); } }, onRequestDelayPassed: function() { this.readyToSubmit = true; this.queue.submitFirst(); }, startTimer: function() { var delay = this.options.requestDelay; LOG.debug("Queue will wait " + (delay || 0) + "ms before submit"); if (delay) { var _this = this; this.timer = setTimeout(function() { try { _this.onRequestDelayPassed(); } finally { _this.timer = undefined; _this = undefined; } }, delay); } else { this.onRequestDelayPassed(); } }, stopTimer: function() { if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = undefined; } }, clearEntry: function() { this.stopTimer(); if (this.request) { this.request.shouldNotifyQueue = false; this.request = undefined; } }, getEventsCount: function() { return this.eventsCount; }, setEventsCount: function(newCount) { this.eventsCount = newCount; }, getEventArguments: function() { return [this.query, this.options, this.event]; } }); return ctor; }(); var Queue = function(name, queueOptions, requestOptions) { this.items = new Array(); this.name = name; this.queueOptions = queueOptions || {}; this.requestOptions = requestOptions || {}; }; extend(Queue.prototype, { submitFirst: function() { var firstItem = this.items[0]; if (firstItem) { if (!firstItem.request) { if (firstItem.readyToSubmit) { LOG.debug("Queue '" + this.name + "' will submit request NOW"); var req = firstItem.submit(); //see entry.abort() method for more details about this assignment req.shouldNotifyQueue = true; if (this.requestOptions.queueonsubmit) { this.requestOptions.queueonsubmit.call(this, req); } } else { LOG.debug("First item is not ready to be submitted yet"); } } } else { LOG.debug("Queue is empty now"); } }, getSize: function() { return this.items.length; }, getMaximumSize: function() { return this.queueOptions.size; }, getSizeExceededBehavior: function() { var policy = this.queueOptions.sizeExceededBehavior; if (!policy) { policy = DROP_NEXT; } return policy; }, queue: function(entry) { this.items.push(entry); if (this.queueOptions.onrequestqueue) { LOG.debug("Call onrequestqueue handler"); this.queueOptions.onrequestqueue.apply(this, entry.getEventArguments()); } }, dequeue: function() { var entry = this.items.shift(); if (this.queueOptions.onrequestdequeue) { LOG.debug("Call onrequestdequeue handler"); this.queueOptions.onrequestdequeue.apply(this, entry.getEventArguments()); } }, push: function(query, opts, event) { var options = extendOptions.call(this, opts); var entry = new QueueEntry(this, query, options, event); var similarityGroupingId = entry.getSimilarityGroupingId(); var lastIdx = this.items.length - 1; var last = this.items[lastIdx]; var handled = false; if (last) { if (last.getSimilarityGroupingId() == similarityGroupingId) { LOG.debug("Similar request currently in queue '" + this.name + "'"); if (last.request) { LOG.debug("Request has already beeen sent to server"); if (entry.isIgnoreDupResponses()) { LOG.debug("Duplicate responses ignore requested, queue will abort current request"); last.abort(); LOG.debug("Current request in queue '" + this.name + "' has been aborted"); //remove last (that is actually first) from queue - will be safer to do that in LinkedList this.dequeue(); } } else { LOG.debug("Combine similar requests and reset timer"); handled = true; last.stopTimer(); entry.setEventsCount(last.getEventsCount() + 1); this.items[lastIdx] = entry; entry.startTimer(); } } else { LOG.debug("Last queue entry is not the last anymore. Stopping requestDelay timer and marking entry as ready for submission") last.stopTimer(); last.setSimilarityGroupingId(undefined); last.readyToSubmit = true; } } if (!handled) { if (this.queueOptions.size == this.items.length) { LOG.debug("Queue '" + this.name + "' is currently full") var b = this.getSizeExceededBehavior(); var nextIdx = 0; while (this.items[nextIdx] && this.items[nextIdx].request) { nextIdx++; } if (this.queueOptions.onsizeexceeded) { this.queueOptions.onsizeexceeded.apply(this, entry.getEventArguments()); } // TODO: create one function that will be implement this functionality // function (behaviorFlag, entry): should return handled flag if (b == DROP_NEW) { LOG.debug("Queue '" + this.name + "' is going to drop new item"); entry.ondrop(); handled = true; } else if (b == DROP_NEXT) { LOG.debug("Queue '" + this.name + "' is going to drop [" + nextIdx + "] item that is the next one"); var nextEntry = this.items.splice(nextIdx, 1)[0]; if (nextEntry) { LOG.debug("Item dropped from queue"); nextEntry.stopTimer(); nextEntry.ondrop(); } else { LOG.debug("There's no such item, will handle new request instead"); entry.ondrop(); handled = true; } } else if (b == FIRE_NEW) { LOG.debug("Queue '" + this.name + "' will submit new request"); entry.submit(); handled = true; } else if (b == FIRE_NEXT) { LOG.debug("Queue '" + this.name + "' is going to drop and fire immediately [" + nextIdx + "] item that is the next one"); var nextEntry = this.items.splice(nextIdx, 1)[0]; if (nextEntry) { LOG.debug("Item dropped from queue"); nextEntry.stopTimer(); nextEntry.submit(); } else { LOG.debug("There's no such item, will handle new request instead"); entry.submit(); handled = true; } } } this.submitFirst(); } if (!handled) { this.queue(entry); LOG.debug("New request added to queue '" + this.name + "'. Queue similarityGroupingId changed to " + similarityGroupingId); entry.startTimer(); } }, pop: function() { LOG.debug("After request: queue '" + this.name + "'"); this.dequeue(); LOG.debug("There are " + this.items.length + " requests more in this queue"); this.submitFirst(); }, clear: function() { var length = this.items.length; for ( var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { this.items[i].clearEntry(); } this.items.splice(0, length); } }); return Queue; }(); A4J.AJAX.EventQueue.DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME = "org.richfaces.queue.global"; A4J.AJAX.EventQueue.getQueue = function(name) { return A4J.AJAX._eventQueues[name]; }; A4J.AJAX.EventQueue.getQueues = function() { return A4J.AJAX._eventQueues; }; A4J.AJAX.EventQueue.addQueue = function(queue) { var name = queue.name; if (A4J.AJAX._eventQueues[name]) { throw "Queue already registered"; } else { LOG.debug("Adding queue '" + name + "' to queues registry"); A4J.AJAX._eventQueues[name] = queue; } }; A4J.AJAX.EventQueue.removeQueue = function(name) { var queue = A4J.AJAX._eventQueues[name]; if (queue) { queue.clear(); } delete A4J.AJAX._eventQueues[name]; }; A4J.AJAX.EventQueue.getOrCreateQueue = function(){ var qualifyName = function(name, prefix) { if (prefix) { return prefix + ":" + name; } else { return name; } }; var qualifyNamespace = function(name, prefix) { if (prefix) { return prefix + name; } else { return name; } }; return function(options, formId) { var queueName = options.eventsQueue; var namespace = options.namespace; var formQueueName; var viewQueueName; var implicitQueueName; if (queueName) { LOG.debug("Look up queue with name '" + queueName + "'"); formQueueName = qualifyName(queueName, formId); viewQueueName = qualifyNamespace(queueName, namespace); implicitQueueName = viewQueueName; } else { LOG.debug("Look up queue with default name"); formQueueName = formId; viewQueueName = qualifyNamespace(A4J.AJAX.EventQueue.DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME, namespace); implicitQueueName = options.implicitEventsQueue; } var queue = A4J.AJAX._eventQueues[formQueueName]; if (!queue) { queue = A4J.AJAX._eventQueues[viewQueueName]; if (!queue) { if (implicitQueueName) { queue = A4J.AJAX._eventQueues[implicitQueueName]; if (!queue) { LOG.debug("Creating new transient queue '" + implicitQueueName + "' with default settings"); queue = new A4J.AJAX.EventQueue(implicitQueueName); queue._transient = true; A4J.AJAX.EventQueue.addQueue(queue); } else { LOG.debug("Found transient queue '" + implicitQueueName + "'"); } } } else { LOG.debug("Found view queue '" + viewQueueName + "'"); } } else { LOG.debug("Found form queue '" + formQueueName + "'"); } return queue; } }(); (function () { var observer = function() { var queues = A4J.AJAX.EventQueue.getQueues(); for (var queueName in queues) { var queue = queues[queueName]; queue.clear(); } }; if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener("unload", observer, false); } else { window.attachEvent("onunload", observer); } })(); /** * Provide client side logging capabilities to AJAX applications. * * @author Eric Spiegelberg * @see Log4Ajax */ if (!window.LOG) { window.LOG = {}; } LOG.Level = function(name, priority, color){ this.name = name; this.priority = priority; if(color){ this.color = color; } } LOG.OFF = new LOG.Level("off", 1000); LOG.FATAL = new LOG.Level("fatal", 900, "red"); LOG.ERROR = new LOG.Level("error", 800, "red"); LOG.WARN = new LOG.Level("warn", 500, "yellow"); LOG.INFO = new LOG.Level("info", 400, "blue"); LOG.DEBUG = new LOG.Level("debug", 300, "darkblue"); LOG.ALL = new LOG.Level("all", 100); LOG.A4J_DEBUG = new LOG.Level("a4j_debug", 0, "green"); LOG.LEVEL = LOG.OFF; LOG._window = null; LOG.transmitToServer = true; LOG.consoleDivId = "logConsole"; LOG.styles = { a4j_debug: "green", debug : "darkblue", info : "blue", warn : "yellow", error : "red", fatal : "red" }; LOG.a4j_debug = function(msg,pre) { LOG._log(msg, LOG.A4J_DEBUG ,pre); } LOG.debug = function(msg,pre) { LOG._log(msg, LOG.DEBUG ,pre); } LOG.info = function(msg,pre) { LOG._log(msg, LOG.INFO ,pre); } LOG.warn = function(msg,pre) { LOG._log(msg, LOG.WARN ,pre); } LOG.error = function(msg,pre) { LOG._log(msg, LOG.ERROR ,pre); } LOG.fatal = function(msg,pre) { LOG._log(msg, LOG.FATAL ,pre); } LOG.registerPopup = function(hotkey,name,width,height,level){ if(!LOG._onkeydown){ LOG._onkeydown = document.onkeydown; } var key = hotkey.toUpperCase(); document.onkeydown = function(e){ if (window.event){ e = window.event;}; if (String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode) == key & e.shiftKey & e.ctrlKey){ LOG.LEVEL = level; LOG.openWindow(name,'width='+width+',height='+height+',toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=no,statusbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,left = '+((screen.width - width) / 2)+',top ='+((screen.height - height) / 2)); } else { if(LOG._onkeydown) LOG._onkeydown(e); }; } } LOG.clear = function() { if(LOG._window && LOG._window.document){ consoleDiv = LOG._window.document.body; } else { consoleDiv = window.document.getElementById(LOG.consoleDivId); } consoleDiv.innerHTML = '
'; } LOG.openWindow = function(name,features){ if(LOG._window){ LOG._window.focus(); } else { LOG._window = window.open("",name,features); LOG._window.LOG = LOG; LOG.clear(); var _LOG = LOG; LOG._window.onunload = function(){ _LOG._window.LOG = null; _LOG._window = null; _LOG.LEVEL = _LOG.OFF; _LOG=undefined; } } } LOG._log = function(msg, logLevel,pre) { if(logLevel.priority >= LOG.LEVEL.priority){ LOG._logToConsole(msg, logLevel,pre); if (LOG.transmitToServer) { LOG._logToServer(msg, logLevel); } } } LOG._time = function(){ var currentTime = new Date(); var hours = currentTime.getHours(); var minutes = currentTime.getMinutes(); if (minutes < 10){ minutes = "0" + minutes; } var seconds = currentTime.getSeconds(); if (seconds < 10){ seconds = "0" + seconds; } var millisec = currentTime.getTime()%1000; if(millisec<100){ millisec = "0"+millisec; } if(millisec<10){ millisec = "0"+millisec; } return hours+":"+minutes+":"+seconds+","+millisec; } LOG._logToConsole = function(msg, logLevel,preformat) { var consoleDiv ; var doc; if(LOG._window && LOG._window.document){ doc = LOG._window.document; consoleDiv = LOG._window.document.body; } else { doc = window.document; consoleDiv = window.document.getElementById(LOG.consoleDivId); } if (consoleDiv) { var span = doc.createElement("span"); span.style.color=logLevel.color; span.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(logLevel.name+"["+LOG._time()+"]: ")); var div = doc.createElement("div"); var textnode = doc.createTextNode(msg); div.appendChild(span); div.appendChild(textnode); // preformatted - for example, html if(preformat){ var pre = doc.createElement("span"); textnode = doc.createTextNode(preformat); pre.appendChild(textnode); div.appendChild(pre); } consoleDiv.appendChild(div); /* consoleDiv.innerHTML = "" + logLevel + ": " + msg + "
" + consoleDiv.innerHTML;*/ } else { // If the consoleDiv is not available, you could create a // new div or open a new window. } } LOG._logToServer = function(msg, logLevel) { var data = logLevel.name.substring(0, 1) + msg; // TODO - use sarissa-enabled request. // Use request.js to make an AJAX transmission to the server // Http.get({ // url: "log", // method: "POST", // body: data, // callback: LOG._requestCallBack // }); } LOG._requestCallBack = function() { // Handle callback functionality here; if appropriate } /* * final trail for ajax jsf library */ // } //memory-leaks sanitizing code if (!window.RichFaces) { window.RichFaces = {}; } if (!window.RichFaces.Memory) { window.RichFaces.Memory = { nodeCleaners: {}, componentCleaners: {}, addCleaner: function (name, cleaner) { this.nodeCleaners[name] = cleaner; }, addComponentCleaner: function (name, cleaner, checker) { this.componentCleaners[name] = {cleaner: cleaner, checker: checker}; }, applyCleaners: function (node, isAjax, componentNodes) { for (var name in this.nodeCleaners) { this.nodeCleaners[name](node, isAjax); } for (var name in this.componentCleaners) { if (this.componentCleaners[name].checker(node, isAjax)) componentNodes.push(node); } }, _clean: function (oldNode, isAjax, componentNodes) { if (oldNode) { this.applyCleaners(oldNode, isAjax, componentNodes); //node.all is quicker than recursive traversing //window doesn't have "all" attribute var all = oldNode.all; if (all) { var counter = 0; var length = all.length; for (var counter = 0; counter < length; counter++ ) { this.applyCleaners(all[counter], isAjax, componentNodes); } } else { var node = oldNode.firstChild; while (node) { this._clean(node, isAjax, componentNodes); node = node.nextSibling; } } } }, _cleanComponentNodes: function (oldNodes, isAjax) { for (var i=0; i